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The Consortium's overall objective is to improve the security and overall stabilization of the intervention zones. This is addressed through inclusive dialogue structures that address drivers of conflict and support social cohesion and through policies that improve the functioning of key state institutions and reinforce state legitimacy. <br />
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The overall objective will be supported by the following specific objectives, each in line with the referenced I4S pillar:<br />
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The programme aims to realize the following long term change: <br />
Reinforced, inclusive and resilient communities with an empowered civil society, positively influence governance and transparency of decentralized entities; they work together with others (CDM) to resolve conflicts and to assure inclusion of youth, women and marginalized groups; they assure inclusive and equitable access to sustainable livelihoods, especially for youth, women and marginalized groups and they will thus stabilize the intervention zone.<br />
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This programme aimed to increase the performance of public administration, police and justice system at local level and to restore the interaction between these state elements and society, among state and non-state institutions, creating a positive development spiral. Enhanced performance contributed to increased confidence in state elements, reinforcing state legitimacy, decreasing popular discontent and diminishing the urge to “take the law into one's own hands”.