Country World
Duration Start 1 January, 2016 till 31 December, 2016
Policy field(s) Inter-municipal co-operation
Intergovernmental relations
Institutional development
Partners FCM, Federation of Canadian Municipalities
FCM, Municipality of Barcelona
Funding Municipality of Barcelona
1. CIB Working Group goal and objectives
The Capacity and Institution Building (CIB) Working Group is a technical platform within the World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) for professionals of local government associations (LGAs) and local governments (LG) with substantive programmes in capacity development and decentralized cooperation. The overarching goal of this platform is to be a place of inspiration and encouragement, for sharing information and knowledge on various aspects of development cooperation and is meant to contribute to more effective development cooperation programmes supporting local governments. It also aims to contribute to achieving more attention and recognition for the role that local governments play in development cooperation, within and outside of UCLG. The UCLG CIB Working Group is formally liaised to the political UCLG Committee on Development Cooperation and City Diplomacy and will prepare input for this Committee.

2. Main objectives and priorities of the CIB Working Group in 2016

Objective 1: Contributing to more effective development cooperation
• To foster exchange on programmes implemented by CIB members, developments of interest for the work of CIB members.

Objective 2: Disseminating and improving development cooperation methodologies
• To foster exchange on methodologies of our work to improve the quality of our programming and to learn from each other.
• To stimulate concrete coordination to ensure more effective cooperation and to avoid overlap and duplication between international cooperation programmes of LGs and LGAs.

Objective 3: Contribution to UCLG advocacy instruments
• To give professional advice to UCLG and the UCLG political Committee on Development Cooperation and City Diplomacy (DCCD) to achieve more donor attention for LG development cooperation.

3.Secretariat and functioning: In 2016, the CIB Working Group will be financially supported by UCLG, VNG International, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the City of Barcelona.