Country Turkey
Duration Start 3 November, 2014 till 3 November, 2016
Policy field(s) Public investment
European integration
Institutional development
Local economic development
Partners WYG International UK
WYG Turkey
GDSI Limited
Funding European Commission (EuropeAid)
Context: This project was designed against the backdrop of the modernisation of public administration that is key for effective implementation of policies, plans and programmes designed to promote growth and to foster economic and social development, which in turn contributes to the reduction of income disparities among and within regions.

The project introduced a new way of action in addressing the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning and programming of public investments (both physical infrastructure investment and human capital such as innovation, research and development) at the local level.

The overall objective was to establish a well-functioning and effective civil service and to proceed with modernisation of public administration in order to assure the effectiveness and efficiency of the planning and programming of public investments at local level. The purpose of this project was to improve the capacity of the local public administration for local investment planning and sound coordination among stakeholders, by means of:
1. Improving the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Interior by coordinating local actors and local investment planning adequately;
2. Ensuring the active participation of local actors in the process of investment planning with clear roles and responsibilities;
3. Developing a participatory model in the process of planning and investment decision-making;
4. Building the structures and testing the functioning of them to ensure the participation of local actors in Trabzon, Erzurum and Mardin provinces throughout investment planning;
5. Proposing a new local planning/investment model.

A new local investment planning model was developed as a result of multi-dimensional capacity development activities conducted during implementation of the project. The new model is centred on carrying out the investment project development stage at the local level trough participatory decision-making processes based on required technical analyses. The model was successfully tested in the pilot provinces of the project, i.e. Erzurum, Mardin and Trabzon.

The project assisted local and regional authorities in the design and implementation of investment planning, including local economic development planning and policy and assisted in preparing urban infrastructural planning to boost the economy. Target groups and final beneficiaries were (deputy) Governors, (deputy) Mayors, directors of Provincial Directorate of Planning and Coordination (PDPC), provincial planning experts, technical staff of local governments, provincial representatives (managers and technical staff) of the institutions carrying out investments in the province, development agencies, universities, professional chambers and associations, and civil society organisations.

Examples of public investment project proposals prepared and submitted:
• Establishing an institutional structure for the improvement, control and standardisation of honey production quality across Erzurum (Erzurum province)
• Promotion and follow up of silage material and forage with energy (sunflower, barley, soy bean) (Erzurum province)
• Establishment of specialist Organized Industrial Zones (Mardin province)
• Establishment of full capacity tourism information offices in districts of Mardin
• Procurement of a modern research vessel (Trabzon province)
• Research project for the “New Trabzon Airport”
• Rehabilitation of the existing Trabzon Marina