Country ID

The aim of the joint pilot programme is to set up innovative projects in distinct urban environments, which aim to test and explore innovative forms of inclusive democratic urban governance in fragile and conflict-affected environments that contribute to reducing or preventing conflicts by tackling pressing social issues in an inclusive and integrated way. <br />
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The wider objective of the project is to increase and improve Non State Actors (NSA) role in the national development and democratisation process in Ethiopia. To this effect, CSF II will<br />
provide grant and non-grant support to beneficiary civil society organisations so as to strengthen their resource capacities, their constituency, accountability and sustainability of operations, and hence, to increase their participation and contribution in key areas of governance and socioeconomic development. <br />
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ESAP2 is financed through a World Bank (WB) managed Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) and guided and supervised by a Steering Committee (SC) which includes representatives of the Government of Ethiopia, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Development Partners (DPs). Development partners taking part in the MDTF are: Irish Aid, European Union, DFID, Austrian Development Cooperation, Canadian International Development Agency. <br />
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