Country Mozambique
Duration Start 29 March, 2017 till 31 March, 2021
Policy field(s) Cadastre
Human resource management
Institutional development
Funding Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO
The wider objective of the project is to improve the municipal organization of Beira (CMB) in order for the city to better fulfil their role as a municipality in general, in particular their role within the Beira Master Plan (BMP).

The specific objective is to enable the Municipality of Beira to organize and improve their land planning and management systems and performance, in terms of (a) technical capacities as well as (b) organizational performance.

The expected results of the project are:
(i) The technical processes of indexing, digitization and recordation have been improved (i.e. Focus Areas Technical Interventions & Information Technology).
(ii) The Focus Area of Strategy & Control continues to function well within the field of land administration.
(iii) The Focus Area of Organization & Process has been improved within the field of land administration
(iv) The Focus Area of Planning & Control has been improved within the field of land administration.
(v) The Focus Area of People & Culture has been improved within the field of land administration.