Country ID

The DEALS programme, aimed at cities in Latin America, Africa and Asia, is showing progress.

The wider objective of the project is to achieve progress in the EU Integration process of the Albanian government based on a long term strategy before accession.<br />
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The specific objectives of the project are:<br />
1. Support to the implementation of the obligations deriving from the SAA;<br />
2. Support to the harmonisation, implementation and enforcement of the EU acquis in the Albanian legislation;<br />

The main objective of the project is to improve the effectiveness and responsiveness of local public safety and security policies in Albania by supporting local security actors to involve citizens in the development and implementation of such policies. Effectiveness and responsiveness of government institutions are crucial for maintaining the rule of law and practicing principles of good governance.

The wider objective of the project is : To enhance the effectiveness of national and local authorities in countering discrimination and protecting LGBTI rights in Albania.<br />
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The specific objectives: <br />
• Improving reporting, registration, investigation and prosecution of incidents of discrimination and hate crime at national and local level<br />