Country Morocco
Duration Start 14 November, 2013 till 31 July, 2016
Policy field(s) Community development
IT, Information Technology
Local economic development
Social affairs
Monitoring and Evaluation
Partners GFA Management GmbH
Funding Delegation of the European Commission in Morocco
The wider objective of the project is to contribute to the economic and social dimensions of human development, based on the principles of good governance.

The specific objective is to fight poverty in rural areas through raised sustainability of investments in social infrastructure, and strengthened local governance. Crosscutting themes such as gender need to be taken into account.

The expected results of the project are:
(1) Revenu-generating activities strengthen the economic tissue and reduce poverty at the local level in rural areas
(2) Access to, quality of and sustainability of social services and infrastructures in rural areas
(3) Convergence of the interventions of the INDH on the one hand, and strengthening capacities and good governance at the local level on the other

The project makes experts available to the Initiative Nationale pour le Développement Humain (INDH). These experts advise and work on local value chains and business plans, municipal strategy and cooperation, service quality measurement, capacity development, monitoring and evaluation system of the INDH, communication and visibility. (The grants themselves, for instance for schools or water infrastructure, are not part of this technical assistance project.)